Castles in the air
We are the revolution
11/01/202014/12/2019 - 20/01/2020
Castle of Casale Monferrato
Casale Monferrato
Corrado Bonomi at the exhibition WHITE IN CHRISTMAS with Giuseppe Capogrossi other 25 artists.
“I’m dreaming of a white”... IN Christmas!
On Saturday 14th December, at 17.00, you cannot miss the vernissage of the collective exhibition White in Christmas at the castle of Casale Monferrato: as special guests, Corrado Bonomi and Giuseppe Capogrossi – “a great Master of our recent past” [official press release qte.] - will bring magic and beauty along with other 25 artists, in this Christmas time.
“The collective White in Christmas was born from the cooperation among the Municipality of Casale Monferrato, the Mayor Federico Riboldi, the Head of Culture Gigliola Fracchia and the curator – as well as creator - Iris Devasini. The purpose is to enhance the prestigious rooms of the Castle of Casale Monferrato, by promoting art and a local artistic collaboration. [official press release qte.]
“On the occasion of the oncoming Christmas time, the artists from Casale Monferrato will be invited to express about the theme of whiteness with their own style and language. White is a suggestive color which recalls several meanings and which has a specific bond with the spirituality of Christmas”. [official press release qte.]
The artists who joint the project are: Matt Bicon, Loredana Boschiero, Niccolò Calvi, Carlo Cattaneo, Laura Chiarello, Fernanda Core, Giuliana D'Adda, M.Grazia Dapuzzo, Albina Dealessi, Iris Devasini, Stefania Dolce, Labar, Renato Luparia, Daniele Lesti, Gigi Marini, Lea Martha Moulin, Carlo Mazzetti, Piergiorgio Panelli, Ambra Pegorari, Pietro Perrera, Nadia Presotto, Cecilia Prete, Renzo Rolando, Giovanni Saldì, Noemi Zani.
“Moreover, the local cooking school Artusi and Ciofs will show “sweet creations” on the theme of Whiteness, offering a tasting during the vernissage (Saturday 14th December, at 17.00)” [official press release qte.]
“On Sunday 19th January, at 17.00, it will be taking place the finissage in cooperation with Monferrato Classic Festival: the exhibition will be hosting a cello recital by the Master Leonardo Preitano. [official press release qte.]
“During the exhibition period you will be able to attend other cultural events linked to the theme of whiteness – which are being defined”. [official press release qte.]
14th December 2019 – 19th January 2020
Saturday, Sunday and holidays from 10.00 to 13.00 and from 15.00 to 19.00.
Closed the 25th December, the 26th December and the 1st January.