Pizzini. Corrado Bonomi (1983 – 1997)
Italy: the madness of drift
23/01/201030/10/2009 - 08/12/2009
Fusion Gallery. Piazza Amedeo Peyron, 9G - Torino
by Giorgio Bonomi
"Dissemination" is a category used, in the seventies, by the philosopher Derrida in relation to language and the critic and contemporary art theorist Filiberto Menna for an exhibition, small but very significant. We have recently sought dissemination, explosion, fragmentation and dislocation in contemporary art, ed. Rubbettino, to apply it to contemporary art: from the pieces of paper 'scattered' on the ground and then recomposed by Arp to the holes scattered on the canvas by Fontana, up to the most recent artists.
Now we present a small selection of Italian artists of which we speak widely in the book: Dadamaino with its segments scattered on polyester; Griffa that, on the frameless canvas, leaves signs of color; Gastini who spreads various materials on the painting or on the ground; Pinelli that disseminates its forms of color on the wall; and Mainolfi which aggregates terracotta fragments. All therefore 'scatter' fragments of paper, terracotta, color, signs or other materials and best exemplify our thesis. Artists: Corrado Bonomi, Dadamaino, Marco Gastini, Giorgio Griffa, Ale Guzzetti, Ernesto Jannini, Luigi Mainolfi, Pino Pinelli, Valerio Tedeschi, Vittorio Valente
For more information http://www.fusiongallery.it/For more information http://www.exibart.com/profilo/eventiV2.asp?idelemento=80482
Contacts info@fusiongallery.it