parallax background

Cartina bellica

These are installations of more or less substantial dimensions made up of a physical or political map, generally of Italy, and a group of plastic toy soldiers who, in addition to occupying the space of the map, protrude from the paper perimeter, invading the walls. The destructive and bloody aspect of the war is never shown but, in “bonomian” style, it is ridiculed and faced with an ironic approach, miniaturizing and thus allowing the observer to maintain control over what is happening, exactly like a child in front of his own group of toy soldiers.

Sbarco Clandestino, mixed media - geographical map, plastic stickers, cm 60x80, 2000.
Sbarco Clandestino, mixed media - geographical map, plastic stickers, cm 60x80, 2000.
Soldatini, geographical map and toy soldiers, dimensions determined by the environment, 2009 Courtesy S. Giorgi.