The double meaning of irony
Corrado Bonomi
27/06/200914/05/2009 - 25/06/2009
Casa Bonomi. Via Cesare Correnti, 14 - Milano
by Chiara Buzzi, Luigi Cerutti
The Casa Bonomi project comes to life with the desire to give space for speech and action to an artist who, too long and inexplicably, was unable to confront himself on the Milanese stage through a personal exhibition in which he could speak freely. Č.B. it is omnivorous. It uses fantastic and surreal meanings typical of a cultural background populated by comics and its characters, by cartoons. Studded with fantastic universes worthy of Borges or Spoon River. Innervated with sociality and able to materialize dream shreds of the great men of the past. The flow of C.B. it is varied. If you look into the hodgepodge of your studio, you can only guess the extraordinary amount of work you have expressed over the years. Yet this (anomalous) wave of works is modulated according to some evident ropes, in harmony with an ironic and veiled melancholy feeling for a future that could express itself as it could retract. What is striking about the Fairy or Calimero, the Trains or the Little Men, is not the heritage they are subjected to as much as the maintenance of a poetics between us and the Fantastic. Constantly devoured by the possibility that not. In this small but dense ecosystem what seemed consciously correct and due to us is the contextualization, not once and for all, but rather finally, of C.B. A house. A place of everyday life.
The choice of location is part of this need for contextualization. The domestic environment, with its compromises, its typical corners, the ravines, is the small but very dense cave in which C.B. has the opportunity to become director of (his) artistic traffic. Kitchen. Among the stoves and shelves, sugar cubes and coffee lumps, we will find the Little Men cycle, the dictators of the twentieth century, the unlucky brothers of Calimero, the unlucky brother of the Milka cow, the Acacia honey, the Sea cycle, the 'Academy of Fine Arts, the Fatal Fairies, Cocco Bello, a particular compactor. Bedroom. The dreams of Proust, Gericault, Vincent, Kafka, Fedor will take matter in the physical place of the dreamlike, or in the one that is closest to it. Castles in Aria, Magic Beans and Carillon for insomniac collectors will be the tangible traces of an atmosphere, a place of being unquestionable and with which we confront each day of our existence. Study. The study will be the physical translation of the place of thought, of reasoning, of analysis as well as of the game and the constitution of its rules. Here we will therefore find the most complete cycle of tautologies. Trenini, Magritte's pipe, the working world, the cycle of maps, the Fleet of art, the Dolly sheep. And also Safarà, the album of the stickers, The infinite landscape, a puzzle of himself. Bathroom. In the bathroom, the landing and unloading area, the water works "the watered ones - and, above all, the new arrivals. Linked to this context by the formal and physical medium (the whale) and the substantial and natural context (the cloaca) condition of departure and perhaps, unfortunately, of arrival. Room Without Name. Here, in a waxy and non-peculiar place, CB will present his unpublished work. Everywhere. Casa Bonomi will teem and vegetate with every other bonomata. Plants, roses, clouds, books and movies.
In addition to the beloved Godzilla at the entrance, to present, protect, invite in a place that lives in the mind and beyond. Like the Uqbar of Borges or the Pyrenees Castle of Magritte. Fantastic places a few centimeters from the ground. A few spans from our nose. The Casa Bonomi project is also an attempt to open a debate in the artistic community and beyond. On the most varied themes (useless to try to mention them). They will be organized inside the house, taking advantage of its spaces, evenings, cocktails, tea, afternoon meetings, dinners, lunches and projections of films and interesting contents. That it is not a simple space for contemplation but a place for us. An active part of sharing and producing a cultural value. Casa Bonomi has always been a bulb grafted on us. We are trying to give it a concrete life, indeed, tangible even to the most distracted. This project is Quel chepass convent, an honest ration. Maybe for you, not too tasty, but all (better) that you can have now. The realization of Casa Bonomi is entirely designed and produced by MG-Art, a company headed by Massimo Giacomini. The Project will be conveyed, as well as through institutional sources and more consulted by professionals, through the Giacomini company blog www.daringtodo.com.
Contcts direzione@daringtodo.com